You hear it all the time, all over the place; everybody talks about it: Positively and negatively. You hear it […]
Tag: top motivational speakers in the world
What is The Real Secret to Success?
Are you reading this because you would like to become rich?OrAre you reading this because you want to be rich no matter what?Two similar questions, but two very different mindsets. When I say rich in this parituclar article, I am referring to financial gains (though there is a lot of richness in personal health, social relationships and spirituality as well.) Let me re-emphasize and ask you again: Would you like to be rich? or Do you want to be rich?If you are the first kind, then chances of you
You Got To Win
Sometimes you got to let go of what the world thinks of you and expects. Sometimes, you even got to […]
Get Back Up, Refocus, and Restart
You are ‘X’ years old. Life has given you your share of experiences. You have gone through a lot, and […]
Why Should You Read Daily?
“A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies, said Jojen. The man who never reads lives only once.” ― […]