
Why Do We Get Angry?

Before you read anything else, read the following and ponder over its meaning for a minute:

“You will not be punished for your anger, you will be punished by your anger.” –Buddha

“Every day we have plenty of opportunities to get angry, stressed or offended. But what you’re doing when you indulge these negative emotions is giving something outside yourself power over your happiness. You can choose to not let little things upset you.” –Joel Osteen

“Anger is an acid that can do more harm to the vessel in which it is stored than to anything on which it is poured.” –Mark Twain

Everybody Gets Angry

why we get angryThough nobody likes to get angry, the truth is we all do. Everyday things, people, and unexpected situations frustrate us; we lose our temper, and let our anger take us over. But, when we cool down, we almost always regret what we said and how we reacted. It’s amazing how justified we feel about our reasons to be angry in the moment. But, what follows is usually embarrassment. Do you ever wonder what triggers the anger in us? Why do we get angry over little things giving them undue attention?

Primitive Reasons Behind Anger

why do we get angry inside the article picture

According to an article on, a website dedicated to dealing with crucial problems within American youth and families, we have a thinking part to the brain (cerebral cortex), and an emotional one (limbic system) where the latter is more primitive. The information from the outside world is first passed through amygdala (storehouse for emotional memories) which is present in the limbic system. If the incoming data triggers enough of an emotional charge, the amygdala overrides the thinking cortex causing the person to react in a more primitive way which is what causes the rage.

In continuity, a study from National Geographic’s TV blog states that the reason for this rage lies in the understanding that anger was actually a useful development for the survival of the human species. According to theories, anger helped our ancestors compete for critical resources for survival, from food to mates, helping them prevail in the natural selection race.

The above information helps us understand the reasons behind why do we get get angry. That is the first step: understanding. Now, it is time to go beyond just understanding. Knowledge without its correct use is as good as not having it. The next step it to comprehend how to control and then win over your anger. To do so, continue to read here.

9 Proven Secrets To Win Over Your Anger

In our previous article on ‘Why Do We Get Angry’, we successfully, based on scientific researches, identified the functioning of the brain and its processing of certain emotions which drive anger. Understanding anger, as I stated earlier, is the first step. Without understanding or awareness, we can’t gather clear motivation to take the next step. Knowing what we know now, it is important that we use our knowledge, and learn on to control our anger. Before we get there, let’s establish why should we control our anger in the first place. This is because only when the advantages of choosing an evolved reaction make sense, would anybody be inclined to take the necessary steps.

Though it may sound like common sense, it is important that we remember that managing anger is not just important, but in certain individual cases a necessary mechanism to survive. Anger causes headaches, anxiety, depression, and increases chances of a heart attack. According to Chris Aiken, MD, an instructor in clinical psychiatry at the Wake Forest University School of Medicine and director of the Mood Treatment Center in Winston-Salem, North Carolina, “In the two hours after an angry outburst, the chance of having a heart attack doubles”[Source:]. Managing, guiding, and controlling anger can then become a serious issue concerning someone’s life and death.

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Winston Churchill said “Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.” You want to win; you want to become successful. You have it in your mind, in your heart; you have this burning desire which takes over when you are feeling good. You feel you can be, do, and achieve anything; nothing can stop you. Your brain is breaking all the rules and visualizing a path weak hearts dare not cross.

Then suddenly, something happens-something you thought doesn’t work out, someone you relied on doesn’t perform the way you expected, you have a plan and it’s not working; things are getting really messed up. Your mind and you are now

Are You a Leader?

“If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader.”John Quincy Adams

Leadership is an internal concept. It is a mindful activity we perform by communicating our desired set of thoughts which take up a physical form on the outside. It defines our value as a human to other individuals and groups which either makes them look up to us or otherwise in differing degrees based on the worth of our contribution to their lives. Thus, leadership, in one word, is influence. The question is, Are You a Leader?

Romance: An Eternal Love Affair

It may sound silly, but it is an important question: Have you ever truly loved someone? It doesn’t matter if the person also loves you; your love is enough. True love is not competition; it is not conditional; it is simple and pure. Most often when we talk about love, we think of romantic love. It is almost always an automatic interpretation. Not that it is the only kind (there is brotherly love, sisterly love, love for your friends, parents and teachers.) But since it is the one that does, or at some point in time has, influenced most of us in ways deeper than others, I want to dedicate this article to what in a few words can be referred to as ‘Romance: An Eternal Love Affair.’